Account-Based Podcasts That Build Relationships at Scale

Overcome the challenges of podcasting to create content that captivates your audience, builds strong relationships with your target accounts, and enhances your brand’s leadership.


Tie Your Podcast Strategy Directly to Business Goals

Establish Thought Leadership with 8 Hours a Month

Create Industry-Defining Impact

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Most B2B Podcasts Don’t Have a Purpose

Most B2B podcasts miss the mark. Why? The podcast was launched because an executive said “We should have a podcast.” Resulting in a show that has no purpose. Which is why it dies.

Launching and sustaining a successful podcast takes time, effort, and strategic positioning. Many organizations give up too soon because they don't see immediate results. Their podcasts often fail to focus on what the audience wants and the guests they want to hear from.

Without a purpose for the show, the time investment to build an incredible show.



The 3 Reasons B2B Podcasts Fail


Lack of Consistency

When episodes are released irregularly or with long gaps in between, it becomes difficult to maintain audience interest and engagement. Listeners may lose track or find alternative shows, leading to a decline in audience base and overall impact.


Difficulty in Guest Coordination

Sourcing and coordinating with high-value guests without a streamlined process can be time-consuming and frustrating to secure the right guests who can provide valuable insights and attract your target audience.


Knowing If They Are Winning

Most B2B companies serve a specific, niche audience. The focus should be on audience engagement rather than growth, but many podcasts are incorrectly judged by download numbers instead of meaningful interactions.

Create a Podcast that Stands Out and Gets Listens.

Running a Podcast with Scrappy ABM ensures you can build and sustain high-impact relationships at scale.

By inviting key accounts to your show, you create valuable content that resonates with your audience and fosters deeper connections.

With a clear, focused strategy, you achieve measurable results fast, proving the value of coordinated efforts and paving the way for long-term growth.

Full Show Production
We handle every aspect, from initial concept to final production, ensuring a seamless podcasting experience.

Guest Sourcing & Coordination
We find and coordinate with guests, allowing you to focus on meaningful conversations.

Promotional Strategy & Execution
We help you get the word out and ensure your podcast has the runway to achieve industry-defining impact.


You're In Good Company

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A Perfect Blend of Strategy & Execution

“Originally, we sought out Scrappy ABM for fractional marketing operations support. But the longer we worked with Scrappy ABM, the more we got into the why and strategy behind our marketing programs. Their strategic guidance has been incredibly helpful as we've thought through our growth plans for 2024. If you need a team that can get it done, and help level up your programs in the process, I'd recommend Scrappy ABM.”

~ Olga Karanikos, CMO of SalesScreen


A True Strategic Partner & Extension of the Team

“When we started working with Scrappy ABM, we had a lot of programs we needed to launch quickly. They immediately jumped in to take things off my plate and get these programs launched in near record time. They are experts in moving quickly by using the tools and resources we have today. If you're looking for a partner that can be an immediate value add, I'd recommend Scrappy ABM."

~ Steph Byce, Director of Demand Generation at Parsable


I Could Not Give a Stronger Endorsement

"To anyone looking to start a podcast - talk to Scrappy ABM! The team is phenomenal, organized, smart, and produces real results! Their plug-and-play approach ensured we had everything we needed, without paying for the support we didn't."

~ Jay Schwedelson, CEO of Guru Events, &


Brought a Quick Start to Our ABM Program

“Within the first 2 weeks, Scrappy ABM provided over 20 different actionable playbooks using our existing data. Their way of thinking has been incredibly eye-opening for our revenue programs. If you're looking for a team that can get your ABM program off the ground, Scrappy ABM is my go-to partner.”

~ Jass Binning, Marketing Director at Opensense


Yes, we customize everything after a conversation, but you shouldn't have to book a call just understand our pricing approach.

Podcast Production

Starting at $2,475 per Month

This package gives you the monthly production services you need to fill in the gaps for your team so you can focus on building relationships with guests, creating great content, and growing your business. 


  • Show Prep
  • Audio & Video Editing
  • Title + Show Notes Creation
  • Scheduling, Hosting, Distribution, & Recording Software
  • Monthly Strategy Sync
  • Up to 180 Minutes of Editable Content Month
(60 Day Out)

The Account-Based Podcast

Starting at $4,875 per Month

This package gives you everything with Podcast Production + the fuel to engage your target accounts and build your brand and expertise in the market. 


  • Podcast Production
  • Target Guest Sourcing & Coordination
  • 2 Clips per Episodes (3 Formats)
  • Ghost Written Social Content for Clips
  • Automated LinkedIn DMs for Show Growth
  • Up to 240 Minutes of Editable Content Monthly
(60 Day Out)

The Content Engine

Starting at $7,875 per Month

This package gives you everything with the Account-Based Podcast + a full promotional program to create a top ranking show. This package is designed to massively expand your brand reach.


  • The Account-Based Podcast
  • Ghost Written Social Content for Guests
  • Bi-Weekly Blog Content
  • Quarterly LinkedIn Live Session
  • Weekly Newsletter + LinkedIn Newsletter
  • Up to 300 Minutes of Editable Content Monthly
(60 Day Out)
Cover image for Scrappy ABM podcast

Want to Learn From the Best Scrappy ABM Experts?

Each week, you'll hear from some of the brightest minds in the marketing world who are redefining ABM, achieving incredible results with untraditional methods, limited resources, and a whole lot of creativity.

Launch The Next Top 10 Podcast with Scrappy ABM

Are you ready to boost your ABM efforts through engaging, impactful podcasts?

Here's how we can kickstart your journey:

Step 1: Connect with us to tailor the perfect podcast strategy that complements your ABM goals.
Step 2: We design targeted episodes that transform your brand’s message into attention-grabbing content.
Step 3: Launch and run your podcast, create high-value content, and build revenue-generating relationships.